To create a CSS snippet, create a .css
file in the .obsidian/snippets
folder in your vault, and then turning on the snippet in Settings > Appearance. It’s easiest to edit .css
files in a text editor like Visual Studio Code to get highlighting and formatting.
Card colors
Change the value of --canvas-color
to the three numbers that will be passed into an rbg function.
.mod-canvas-color-1 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */
.mod-canvas-color-2 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */
.mod-canvas-color-3 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */
.mod-canvas-color-4 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */
.mod-canvas-color-5 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */
.mod-canvas-color-6 {
--canvas-color: 224, 1, 23; /* r, g, b */